If Dirt Could Talk
By Owen Cosgrove
The Lord’s Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13:1ff, Mark 4:1ff, Luke 8:1ff) has also been called the “Parable of The Soils.” In it the same person sows the same seeds in the same way, but the results are dramatically different depending on the soils [dirt] on which they fall. These soils represent four types of human hearts.
THE WAYSIDE HEART in its honest moments reveals an astonishing indifference to God and His Will. The truth here has about as much chance as a garden in the fast lane of an interstate highway. Satan snatches the seed of the gospel away through pride, doubt, and indifference. The wayside heart talks about everything but God and His word. Spiritually speaking, there is no room for God in this heart, and therefore there will be no place in Heaven for it.
THE SHALLOW GROUND HEART. This heart talks a good line. In it, the word springs up quickly, but the least bit of persecution or difficulty wilts it. It believes for awhile and then falls away (Luke 8:13). There is no depth of spirituality in this heart. Its motto could well be “Easy come, easy go!” After all of its chatter and prattle, the word in this heart lacks substance and roots, and so it withers and fades away.
THE ENCUMBERED GROUND HEART will talk to you about all of its appointments, obligations, responsibilities, previous engagements, and duties. After all is said and done, more is said than done because this heart is preeminently concerned with cares and riches and the pleasures of this life. Therefore it brings no fruit to perfection (Luke 8:14). This heart says, “Please get somebody else. I am too busy. Don’t call on me. I do not have time.”
THE GOOD AND HONEST GROUND HEART. This heart speaks the most beautiful lesson in the world: “...seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Matthew 6:33). What a message! What a declaration! May our hearts ever speak this dedicated theme and bring fruits with patience (Luke 8:15).
Our hearts do talk. Our message of life is manifest before God and man. May our hearts be the soil out of which grows great spiritual fruit to God’s glory. “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer” (Psalm 19:14).