About Us


Thanks for visiting our website!

We are honored and humbled by your visit.

It is truly our joy to share God’s word with you, unto His glory!


We try to prepare all of our Bible Study materials in simple English,

with the hope that they can be understood by many people throughout the world.

We encourage you to join us in this labor of love by using these materials to teach people around you, and by sending copies to others far away.


Romans 16:16 says, “...The churches of Christ greet you.”

Our goal is to be His church and His people to the best of our ability, by God’s grace.

We encourage you to make this your goal, too.

We invite you to visit the churches of Christ near you,

or begin the church of Christ in your area with the help of these teaching materials.


May God bless you as you study His wonderful word, unto His glory.



International Gospel Teacher is overseen by the elders of West Freeway Church of Christ in Fort Worth, Texas. We are thankful to God and to the many churches of Christ and individual Christians who make this work possible.


Editor: Royce Frederick
Secretary: Susie Frederick


Most Bible quotations are from the New King James Version of the Bible.
Brackets [ ] in an article or in a quotation contain explanations by the author or editor.


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