A Summary of Acts

By Royce Frederick

Jesus told His disciples, “...you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth(Acts 1:8). “Acts” records many of the acts (actions) of the apostles and disciples taking the gospel —

To Jerusalem — Acts 1-7 (Isa. 2:3; Lk. 24:47).

To Judea, the region in which Jerusalem was located — Acts 8:1 (see 2:14).

To Samaria, homeland of a people whose ancestry was a mixture of Jews and Gentiles — Acts 8:1, 5-25.

To the end of the earth, to people of all nations and ethnic groups — Acts 10-28. The gospel was preached to a gathering of Gentiles (10), then to Jews and Gentiles in Antioch (11), and “to the end of the earth” (13-28; see 13:47).